Fear · Health · Medical · Multiple Sclerosis · Primary Progressive MS · Ramblings

Am I alive or do I just exist?!

Remember these from July 2019. My wonderful bladder stones thanks to my wonderful urostomy. So I was supposed to get this taken care of back in August 2019. Didn’t happen because that’s when I had to go to the hospital because I thought I broke in my hips and my back when I was trying to get in to rehab. Thanks to Independence Blue Cross not allowing me rehab I was unable to get out of my bed so we kept rescheduling. Now with the virus I was rescheduled twice, and today they called to tell me it had to be pushed back to May 26. But it’s really only a tentative date because it may change again. So basically I’m filling up with so much bacteria and that’s probably why I feel a little clammy and not well at times. I try to do everything right but nothing ever goes right. Possibly because I am left-handed. 😂😂 I’m joking… Or am I. 🤔

I am trying to find the humor in all of this because that’s the only way I survive. But man, it’s getting harder and harder to laugh. I know I know, I should be glad because I’m alive. Am I alive or do I just exist. You’ll be the judge. 🤷🏻‍♀️😕


There’s an alien in my bladder

I’m wondering how many more are in there now. 😳

Have courage and be kind.

Medical · Ramblings · RANDOM

The joys of a urostomy

I love the beach! I grew up going to Santa Monica Beach all the time and I just love all beaches. I love the water, Pisces here, and I love or at least used to love feeling the sand beneath my feet. I don’t love the beach however when it’s all inside my bladder. 😮 Nope… DON’T like it one bit. This issue happened two years ago and it looks like it’s going to have to be taken care of every couple of years from now on. 😭 You see, when they built my stoma for my urostomy they used part of the bowel. Can you say infection much!? I guess I didn’t really understand the whole process until after the fact. In all honesty there wasn’t much I could’ve done anyway because it had to be done. Thank you multiple sclerosis you fucking piece of shit disease. I’m sorry off-base a little, so now my bladder looks like you’re underwater on a rocky shoreline. it also looks like, I think, a dinosaurs 🦖 lair where they keep their eggs. 😅

And… it looks like there’s an alien and a set of twins hanging out in my bladder! I think I should ask for rent or something. 😂

On August 7 I will be going in and they will be inserting in a much larger tube into my bladder to hopefully clean out all my little stones. I’m a little bummed because I was hoping I could keep them and make a necklace or something out of them. I know, I know, gross. 😜 I have to find the humor in all things or I really wouldn’t want to be here anymore…

So that’s what’s been going on with me. Not much change in the paint department and I’m still pretty much trapped in my bed. But I am working on it and I hope to remember to blog a little more because I miss it. 🖤

Have courage and be kind…

Anger · Health · Multiple Sclerosis · Primary Progressive MS · Ramblings · Strength · Stupid Stuff

Fighting through…

I’ve been trying to figure out a way how to approach leaving the rehab facility and continuing on at home. Sad to say, the ball was dropped once I left. I truly feel like I was just a body to fill a bed. Since being home, (March 23) I’ve had exactly four in-home physical therapy sessions. I’ve seen the pain management/rehab doctor twice and was told I would have more rehab appointments. No one has called to set those up, and when I call, I never get a return call.  So I am taking the bull by the horns, so to speak, by bustin’ my own ass at home. I wear my Velcro arm weights and do arm exercises daily. I’m doing my best to strengthen my core. And when my husband feels like it, he helps move my legs around for me.

Right now I’m dealing with another wonderful bacterial infection in my bladder and kidneys. Because of the bowel section they used to build my urostomy there’s always a little bacteria that ends up in my bladder. I’m not gonna lie, I think it’s stupid AF that they use part of the bowel knowing it has bacteria and can cause problems. I’m not sure why they didn’t choose another way to build the urostomy. hmmmm I was told by having the urostomy done it would stop my infections etc. Well slap me silly and call me stupid, but it’s made it worse. I have to take a daily antibiotic, Nitrofurantoin, twice daily every day for the rest of my life. Last year I had bladder stones and kidney stones which were all surgically removed. When my urologist went through my stoma with a camera it was like looking at rocky beach inside my bladder. She said she’d never seen so many bladder stones. The removal of those wasn’t that hard. A tube was inserted through the stoma and they were vacuumed out. The kidney stones were a whole nother story. I went in for an outpatient procedure to place the tube into my left kidney which would stay there for five days and then they would vacuum those out. I ended up staying in the hospital for five days. Then when they went in to take out the kidney stones, they could not remove all of them so the tube had to stay in my back for another five days. Unfortunately it caused me a lot of problems and constantly leaked, so for the five days I had to be put into a nursing Center. When I finally had the procedure to remove the kidney stones, all was well. But alas, I have more bladder stones and kidney stones yet again. So what, do I have to have surgery every year to remove these? I feel like I get two steps forward and I’m thrown four or 10 steps back.

I know my newest bacterial infection is due, yet again, to the wonderful piece of bowel in my urostomy. Then of course, since things don’t always go as planned, Walgreens where I get my prescriptions fucked up. LOL my prescription for Augmentin was called in on Friday. On Monday I called Walgreens as it seemed to be taking quite some time. They said they were out of stock and would be getting it in the next day on the shipment. So I called the next day and was told they weren’t getting any at all. That my doctor wanted the name brand and they do not carry the name brand. They said they would call my doctor and see if I can use the generic! Okay… why the fuck didn’t they do that in the first place and call me. Meanwhile I’m feeling awful! I went to the doctor because I knew my fatigue and sheer feeling like I was dying was not due to my MS. Not everything is MS!! So I kind of needed this medication right away. I was curious as to why no one called to let me know this. And of course dead air on the other end of the phone. To make a long story short, I finally had enough and yesterday, Wednesday, I called Rite Aid and they called Walgreens and within an hour I had my medication. We have used Walgreens for forever, but since the main pharmacist left a little over a year ago the service has been crap. So now, buh-bye Walgreens!

I will say that my new outlook, trying to keep the positivity floating, helped me through the situation. I didn’t lose my shit, too much. I just chalked it up as another little bump in the road that I would get through. I really believe it helped me to not feel worse by causing me added amount of stress. I will always find a way to make it through the rain. We must remain strong in times of trouble. We must have courage to keep fighting! Those are the markings of the true warrior!


Always remember to have courage and be kind!

Craziness · Family · Fear · FUCK · Happiness · Health · Hope · Love · Medical · Multiple Sclerosis · Primary Progressive MS · Ramblings · RANDOM · Sarcasm · Silly · Strength

Must re-charge…

Yesterday I went to see my neurologist. I finally got to use my new wheelchair.


When the doctor came in the room he looked at me and said, “You look so good!! No one would know you have primary progressive MS.“ I’m never really sure what to say when I hear something like that, so I just smile. We discussed the infusion, the newest DMD (disease modifying drugs), Ocrevus.  He said he would get an appointment for me and the drug rep as soon as possible. He is very worried about the ‘serious‘ side effects. We all know that the medications for MS do come with very serious side effects. The problem for me, is my urostomy. I am prone to kidney and bladder infections as well as kidney and bladder stones. Because my immune system is overactive, it’s fights off some of the infection. If I am put on a medication that suppresses my immune system, I could very easily become septic. So I’m kind of screwed. At least he is giving me the option and I will be talking to the drug rep about it. Hell, I haven’t had a cold or a flu for so many years thanks to my overactive immune system. The only time I have gotten sick was when I was on a couple of the DMD‘S many years ago.

Then I did my normal, “I need prescriptions“. The main medication I need is the daily antibiotic I have to take, twice a day, for my issues. Rapture! LOL  and we definitely cannot forget my antidepressants. Without those no one wants to be around me. 😈

After that we went to Walgreens to pick up my new prescriptions and then we went and got some dinner. I was only up for about three hours, but it totally kicked my ass. Today I am running on empty.

Must re-charge

Sadly that is what MS does to us… At least the majority of us. It’s very rare that we can go and do things, and then be able to go and do things the next day. It’s very depressing, especially when you were someone who was always on the go. This disease changes is and takes away everything we once were. That is why we must be stronger than our MS. We must fight it every day, which sucks hairy balls, but that’s what we have to do. And we do it because we are warriors!

                           Have courage and be kind

** I will be back with my positivity journey very soon. So much love to all! ♥️

Anger · Fear · FUCK · Health · Hope · Medical · Multiple Sclerosis · PAIN · Primary Progressive MS · Ramblings · RANDOM

Surgery – not so much…Graphic

Surgery, June 10, 2014

****WARNING graphic photos below****

I did not come out of the dark until June 26. Sixteen days of what they call ICU Psychosis. Sixteen days lost to me. To everyone around me I was awake. For me, I was in a dream, not knowing where I was.

Backtrack… The surgery was to help me get some semblance of life back. To be able to go out more and to help those taking care of me. It did not go as planned. All seemed well when they finished and stapled my tummy back together. Sadly they soon knew there was a problem. I’m no doctor so this is in layman’s terms. The stoma was not producing and I was filling up with bacteria. After a week of excruciating pain and testing, of which I have no memory, they realized I needed emergency surgery as my white blood count shot up over night and they new right away I had a serious infection.

Once the un-stapled me they realized they had to stop the colostomy and re-route everything by ileostomy. Sadly the area was highly inflamed and the wound needed to be opened more. So, now, I have a large open stomach wound which will take some months to close.


open wound

At this time I have to have a wound vac done twice a week. Sorry, but it’s fucking painful every time.

After wound vac is placed:


Basically once it’s covered, it vacuums out any type of infection, and helps the wound the slowly close back up. Mostly I’m bummed because I might lose my cute belly button. Kind of sucks. ;-P

At this time it has closed up over 6cm in a short time. My surgeon says I’m the strongest person she has ever met. That even when it got really bad and they the I might go septic, my body fought hard and won.

Honestly, I don’t feel strong right now. The nausea is awful, it’s hard to sleep, and I’m in constant pain… but I will NOT give up now. I’m looking forward to the day they can hook me all back up.

My biggest issue is the anxiety from all of this. It’s a fight not to just break down in tears. But crying makes it hard to breathe and I have to be careful. Sneezing is a bitch as is coughing. But, again, this too shall pass.

I’m thankful to be home. Sadly the second day I got home my house flooded…

Go figure! 😛
