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My fabulously fun and exhausting week…

The week started on June 18th. We began our week long vacation to 20 Oaks Cottages and RV Park. We met my parental units in Fresno to break up the long drive. Hung out at the hotel Saturday night and left for Clearlake early Sunday morning. We arrived at Steve’s and my sister Kim’s park around 2 pm. This vacation was also a bit of a family reunion. I had not seen my sister Kim for 6 years or my cousins for 18 years. [since my wedding] We all did the hugs and introductions and all that mushy stuff then went to see the lake.


It turned out to be unusually hot for this time of year. [figures] The first two days I went outside and hung by the dock to watch my kids go tubing and swim. It sucked that I was not able to get to the boat or even get in the water, but watching my kids have a blast made it okay. The heat finally got to me and my legs swelled up something fierce. By Wednesday I could not go outside during the day anymore. So pretty much slept that day away. This trip was definitely kicking my ass… but it was a good ass kicking and completely worth it! lol

The Family
having a blast!
my boy tubing

There are over 200 photos from our trip. It gave me something to do with my cool camera! lol

We left Thursday and headed back to Fresno for the Hotel stay. It was hard leaving the paradise that is is Clearlake, but we had to head home. We left the hotel early Friday for home. It was good to be home, but I missed my family.

BUT, my fabulous week was not over yet. My baby sister and her BF, Don, were coming to visit Saturday. This would be a perfect ending to a perfect week. I got to see my sisters and my brother at the lake and now my baby sister as well. We bbq’ and had salad and tasty asparagus and cookies and ice cream! YUM! We watched Battle Los Angeles. Basically it’s Independence Day with a few changes. Independence Day is a much better movie, but Battle LA gave us a few giggles. All in all it was a great end to a great week!

kids on a trampoline! lol
kids on a trampoline! lol
Laura n me!

This week I am paying for all the fun I had, but it really is soooo worth it. My kids had a blast, hubby caught the only fish [was then released], got to see family, took pictures, and for the first time in a looooong time felt some ‘quality’ in my life! It doesn’t get any better than that!

xx, Tracy...

12 thoughts on “My fabulously fun and exhausting week…

  1. I missed you!! So happy you had a wonderful visit with your family…ain’t family grand! You and your sisters are a beautiful group.



  2. Family is everything!<3

    I'm glad you had a great time with yours and hope there are many
    more fun and great times for you and your family this Summer 🙂 Now get some rest before the next fun begins 😀

    Great pics too!


  3. What a fabulous time you all seem to have! I think I would love 20 Oaks Court. Your pictures were great Tracy. I really am glad you all were able to get together and reunite. Sorry you are paying for her but as you said…it was worth it. Thank you for sharing this…it’s so good to read about something happy and good…


  4. My heart is full for you and the family, Tracy. I’m so SO happy that you had a great time. How is it that we’re always so tired after a vacation?! You have some more wonderful memories to look back on. ❤


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