Family · HELL · Love · Ramblings · Sarcasm

My Trip, err I’m a trip? I do trip…

Before we left I called the Courtyard Marriot to make sure my roll in shower with bench room was still reserved for me. I was told yes. Well woo hoo… maybe not. Ten minutes later the hotel’s manager called and said their room was a roll in but had no bench. :-O But… the Residence Inn Marriott had one and would be reserved for me. Well cool beans..

We hit the road for Carlsbad late and finally got to the hotel around 10:30 pm. Check in was nice and easy, the rest… not so much. The first place I looked when we got in the room was the bathroom. Yup, roll in shower, Nope no bench and no places to put shower essentials. Ya know a shelf! Roger went to get some ice from the refrigerator and it seemed clogged. When he opened the ice maker there were two Smirnoff Ice drinks, one broken from freezing. He had to take out the ice maker and empty it to make sure no glass was in the tray/box. NICE! Then in one of the fridge drawers the previous customers also left more drinks. Does no one clean the fridge? By now I’m a wee bit irritated. I ring down to the front desk and ask about the shower. They tell me they have a portable folding shower bench they will bring to me. Really, I could bring my own. The attached benches are much more sturdy and safer. I politely declined their offer. WTF!! You would think if you ask for a roll in shower with bench and they say they have one, that’s what you would/should get. The worst part for me, is when these things happen it’s so in my face that I’m crippled in a wheel-chariot! Guess if your crippled, hotel stays are not for you…

BUT, as always, Hell hotel would not ruin my trip.

The next day we headed out to my uncle’s dentist’s office. I was prepared for bad news per the dentist from my area. Guess what, not nearly as bad as the ‘liar’ said. I had a bit of decay [2 small cavity areas] which Greg filled. Then one, not two root canals were needed. We made the appt. for the nest day. Greg also filed down my two top front teeth as they always jetted out a bit on the bottom. Took two minutes and now my front teeth look so cool! Next I had the best teeth cleaning ever. We headed back to the parents house and my sister Laura and her new adorable puppy [Finley] came over. It was a nice night with great food!

The next morning we got up and Roger washed my hair in the sink and I did a hooker bath. Fun… We then took off to the Endodontist’s office for my root canal. As root canals go, it was fabulous. Not a smidge of pain and fabulous people there. It was great. Then the parents took us to lunch…I had soup. lol Next was the moment I’ve been waiting for for 3 weeks; off to see my nephew Max!! YIPPEE.

Baby Max

This made up for the crappy hotel that we will never occupy again.

Max is just a love and the cutest baby ever. Instant love!! My brother Ed and his beautiful wife Kelly did a good job! If fairy tales are true this family IS The Fairy Tale!

All in all the trip was fabulous. Yes the hotel sucked, but I always make it through. The good, however, outweighed the bad; my teeth rock now and I got to hold my and meet my Nephew Max.

Have a fabulous Sunday peeps!

Health · Multiple Sclerosis · Ramblings

Mercury and MS!!

There is a theory that those of us with MS who have the old mercury fillings in our teeth, should have them removed. But, you do not want to have the mercury fillings taken out and porcelain put in. The reason is that the mercury is encased and if they break it to remove it, then it will get into your system. You need to have the whole tooth/teeth removed and replaced.

not my teeth!! lol

I get this and it kind of makes sense, kind of. I have looked into this and it’s about 50/50. Some notice a difference in how they feel, others have noticed nothing. If I had the thousands of dollars to have this done, sure I’d do it. Even 50/50 is better than nothing. But, again, unless the mercury fillings break, they are doing no harm. I asked a highly respected dentist in Del Mar about this and I trust his word.

Again, I do get it and if I had the dinero, I would do it as we know mercury is NOT good for us!

hmmmm, maybe I’ll change my donate button to “help my teeth!”

xx, Tracy
Anger · PAIN · Ramblings · Religion

May I have some cheese with my Whine? Whiny Bitch alert!

Will you call the whaaaaambulance? How about some whhaaburgers and some french cries with a Mountain Boo Hoo!!

This be me…

Finally got rid of a two day migraine. A couple Ibuprofen for the pain, Benadryl to help me sleep, and coffee when I finally woke up this afternoon. Relief… for a lil bit anyways!!

Now my friggen right side of my jaw is in so much pain I cannot think straight. Is it my teeth? Maybe. Could it be a jaw issue? Maybe. I do not want to go to the dentist. I floss 2-5 times a day and brush twice day. WTF!! It’s probably thanks to all the amazing medications thanks to my MS causing my teeth issues. The dentist told me before, it can happen that way. Again I say…WTF!! Really?? One pain goes away and an even more agonizing pain starts. I almost squeezed a whole thing of Orajel on the right side of my mouth. When will the insanity stop, or at least cut me a fucking break??

How much am I, or anyone else for that matter, supposed to take. Please do not quote anything to me either. I think I have had my share of pain, my share of sadness, my share of shit. People tell me, ‘ You’re never given more than you can handle!’ Bullshit, that ended about 3+ years ago when a chair became my only means of ‘walking’.  I cannot take anymore, take it back, I do not fucking want it.

So, now it is probably root canal time. Really…am I going to miraculously get the money for it?? Don’t think so. So, I will just have to deal with the pain for awhile.

Please do not tell me it could be worse. As it does get worse every day. Funny thing is, no one with disabilities or illness’ ever say that, it’s the ‘healthies’ that do. So I say to them, ‘It could be worse!” But I hope for them it does not become worse.

Ok, I am off my ‘Whiny Bitch’ soap box….for now!!

Blessings and Hope!