
NBC Universal and my MS Walk 2010

MS Walk 2010

This year at my hubbies work they had their 2nd Annual MS Walk Bake sale to raise money for our team, Tracy’s MSKateers.

The Bake Sale

What I did not know is that not only were they raising money for the walk, but also for my shower fund!! I was supposed to go into his work that day, but when I woke up that morning I did not feel so good. After a bit, I got to feeling better and called my original ride, but she had already made new plans. Which was ok as it was beginning to rain, and me no like driving in the rain! lol

Anywho, I get an email from Bobbi, one of the amazing girls who put this all together, with pics of the table and some of the crew.

Money, money, money, money, money! M-O-N-E-Y!

Then I got this email:

We heard about your bathroom renovation and think it’s a great idea and something you really deserve.
We decided to pitch in the $1500 we raised today towards getting it done.
It’s a done deal and don’t even think about saying “no”.

Love you,
Tracy’s MSkateers

Hubby had me on speaker phone and through tears all I could get out was, ‘Thank you so much!’ I was so surprised and so overwhelmed.

I’m thinking my shower dream is really going to happen. Monday, April 5, is the estimate date. I’m so excited.

We are so blessed with amazing friends and family.

My dream started At Fabulously 40 and Beyond after I had done a blog on my trials of taking a simple shower. A fabulous member, Judy, got the word out and they raised 1100.00 for my bathroom fund. It has been a long time coming, but I see my shower in sight!!

cool beans

I feel so heart full right now!!

Blessings and Hope!

16 thoughts on “NBC Universal and my MS Walk 2010

  1. Yay, I’m so excited for you, what a wonderful group of people and all this for you, you so deserve it! I can’t wait to hear how it goes with the final price tag for your dream…funny how some dreams have price tags…lol. Big {{{HUGS}}} for you….and a pat on the back for Roger and the crew!


  2. Yay you!!!! This Is so AWSOME! way to go Roger and the crew!! 😀 ^5’s for everyone.


    And I knew I forgot the date of the estimate again..I tell ya my brain Is somewhere else half the time.


  3. Hooray for you! Going to Universal was the best move for Roger. They’re really wonderful to help you out. I can’t wait to hear about your new shower and how much you love having it.


  4. Fantastic, Tracy! Truly and blessing and an answer to our prayers for you.
    Much love and Happy Resurrection Day to you and all the Radfords!


  5. WOW….what a wonderful gift! That is just awesome! Please, I know you will. keep us informed on the progress…from estimates to final day to your first shower…lol.. well maybe not the shower, but, you know what I mean…

    Debbie…AKA- TG


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